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at Al-Noor Institute

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said: «Indeed, the angels lower their wings in approval for the seeker of knowledge, pleased with what he does.»
Reported by Muslim.
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About Us

Al-Noor Institute is an institute for the Holy Quran and its sciences, an institute for learning Arabic, French and English languages, in addition to reinforcement classes in scientific subjects. A group of experienced and competent shoyokh and professors, specialized in various fields, oversee Al-Noor Institute and its education. They work hard and with passion to deliver their responsibility in the best possible way.

Foundation 🌱

The foundation started as a first seed in 2012 with a department for memorizing the Holy Quran.

Launch 🏁

The major launch of this blessed institution was in 2016 under the supervision of the esteemed Professor Archia Sobhi, in Paris, France.

Online Education🏠

In 2019, an online education branch was established, which received praise and appreciation from students and parents. Remote education (online) has now become the norm and the ideal way for academic attainment.

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22 Cecil Road Leicester LE2 0AD, UK

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+33 610263538 | +44 7517391988